行政專業人士節 (20 – 26/4) 及秘書節 (23/4)
Happy Administrative Professionals Week (April 20 – 26) and Secretary’s Day (April 23)
惠顧滿$550元或以上,即送"$50元 SOGO或PARKnSHOP現金劵"。 而海外客戶訂購則會獲得"$50 2000Flower現金劵"。
The fourth week of April is the Administrative Professionals Week and April 23 Secretary's Day is coming soon! Let’s send gift cards or flowers to express your affirmative to secretary and recognize their contributions! Customers can have "SOGO or PARKnSHOP cash coupon of HK$50 dollars" for any order of HK$550 or above spent on our website in May. For overseas customers, "2000Flower Cash Coupon $50" is given instead.
*優惠期用於2014年4月1日至30日. Promotion period is from 1st to 30th Apr, 2014.
凡出示此電郵方可享受此優惠/ Please show this email to enjoy the offer.
4月復活節獻禮 Happy Easter! (整個4月份適用/ Promotion period: April 2014)
為慶祝復活節,於2014年4月份任何惠顧滿$550即送得意韓國品牌「提拉米兔」一隻/ $50元 SOGO或PARKnSHOP現金劵。
To celebrate Easter, FREE Easter Korean Tiramitu Bunny will be given for any order above $550 with any purchase in April 2014.
*優惠期用於2014年4月1日至30日. Promotion period is from 1st to 30th Apr, 2014.
凡出示此電郵方可享受此優惠/ Please show this email to enjoy the offer.
「 永遠懷念張國榮」系列 "Leslie Forever"
Unknowingly, Leslie had passed away for eleven years, but his voice and charisma remain in our hearts. To commemorate Leslie, we prepared the "Leslie Forever" flower series. So, fans can present fresh flowers to Leslie to show the respect and love to him.
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Monthly Package Free Trial Offer
Also there will be a monthly or weekly special package for customers who order for reception area, lobby, meeting rooms etc. (New customers have free trial for their first time package, especially for corporate customers, administration and personnel department, please contact 2575 8899 for more information.)
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